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Humanitarian Aid for Families that Live Near the Front Line

Started 967 Days ago
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Food Help for Ukrainian Army
Food Help for Ukrainians
Grocery Packages for Ukrainians
Volunteers Prepare Grocery Packages for Ukrainians
Volunteers Working On Food Delivery for Ukrainians
Grocery Packages for Ukrainians near Front Line
Food Packages for Ukrainians
UA House Help to Deliver Food Packages
Ukrainians Near Frontline Get Food Packages
Ukrainians Near Frontline Get Grocery Packages
Ukrainians Near Frontline and Food Packages
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Food Help for Ukrainian Army
Food Help for Ukrainians
Grocery Packages for Ukrainians
Volunteers Prepare Grocery Packages for Ukrainians
Volunteers Working On Food Delivery for Ukrainians
Grocery Packages for Ukrainians near Front Line
Food Packages for Ukrainians
UA House Help to Deliver Food Packages
Ukrainians Near Frontline Get Food Packages
Ukrainians Near Frontline Get Grocery Packages
Ukrainians Near Frontline and Food Packages

Project need $40,000

About 1 million Ukrainians are experiencing food shortages. We deliver grocery packages for those in need. We distribute 10,000 grocery packages per month, but we can do much more. The cost of one grocery package delivery is only $4.00. Please support our project and make a difference today.

Your donation will be income to the “Ukrainian American House” that has registered 501(с) 3 non-profit organisation. No administration fee. 100% of fund goes to the project.

About 3 million Ukrainians continue to live in the territories that are in the zone of constant hostilities. Due to the destruction of the infrastructure of cities and settlements, hundreds of thousands of people found themselves on the brink of survival.

According to the United Nations official data, about 1 million Ukrainians are experiencing food shortages. Most of these people live on the front lines.

We started our mission in Ukraine following the first days of war and focused on providing targeted help and assistance. We have noticed that only a small part of the food products that came to Ukraine through various international humanitarian organizations was delivered to people living in the front-line area. Most humanitarian aids remained in territories that are far from the combat zone. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of people continue to live in the cities and towns under constant shelling and experience severe food shortages.

UA House sets a mission to deliver and distribute food packages to people who live within 50 miles of the war zone.

Update 07-27-2022


We completed the delivery and distribution of 2,533 food packages to needy people who live in the frontline zone.

After configuring our available food products, we decided to make rations with 7 packages of pasta, 4 packages of rise, 2-3 cans of meet, and 1 bottle of oil in every other bag. This came to an average grocery bag weight of 8.9 kg each. We were able to pack up to 2,533 grocery bags, where last odd 163 bags equivalent were just pasta, rise, and salt, sent to a soup kitchen in Kharkiv. This was our best attempt to divide all food into as many rations as possible, with 1,350 bottles of oil and 100 packs of salt, and still pack the bags to their maximum holding capacity.

Setting up our operation, packing and planning was done in July 18-23, and delivery and distributions was done from July 23 till July 27. This involved a total of 13 vehicles and teams in a total of 9 delivering trips (2 trips per week on average).

This first full truck of 20 metric tons of storable food we received free of charge, provided by Smaritan’s Purse. Our part was in brining the truck to Kyiv wear-house, offloading, packing, and distribution to end beneficiary. This truck one campaign accrued a total costs of $10,132 USD, of which $7,482 is fuel and delivery costs, and the remainder was for packing materials, 25 volunteers small gifts, food and lodging.

Ongoing projects

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UA House
UA HOUSE is a 501(c)3 registered non-profit organization (Registered Charity Number: C4181477) dedicated to raising awareness about Ukraine in the US and throughout the world and providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

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DUNS Number: 116591388 | Entity Number: C4181477

Tax Authority Form Type: exempt 501(c)(3) |

TIN Type: EIN | Tax ID: 83-3993982

Contact Us

Phone number: +1(916)201-0101

Physical address: 11290 Point E Dr Ste 215,

Rancho Cordova, CA 95742