Helping Paws
The russian invasion of Ukraine has resulted in a severe crisis in animal care. Countless animals are suffering from a lack of shelter and food. Despite the constant threat of shelling and occupation, brave Ukrainians are tirelessly working to save these animals.
However, providing food to these animals in Ukraine is an ongoing, never-ending need. We need your support to keep these dogs and cats alive and safe!
Helping Paws is an initiative of Ukrainian American House, in partnership with Humane Society International (HSI) responding to the pet crisis in Ukraine. Together, we have established a distribution network to move large quantities of pet food directly to the pet shelters who need it the most. By donating now, you can help purchase truckloads of emergency food to send to shelters caring for pets and other distribution centers within Ukraine.
What we do
Purchase high-grade, quality pet food
Trusted shelters are vetted by our team
Manage logistics and delivery directly to Ukrainian Pet Shelters
Save the lives of thousands of pets!